Frequently Asked Questions about JBG Transhipping Service

Frequently asked questions about our fish shipping service.


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What are the duties and responsibilities of a transshipper?

Trans-shipper duties and responsibilities:
1. Collecting, managing and shipping ornamental fish from sellers
2. Export and import ornamental fish legally from one country to another
3. Physically distribute ornamental fish to buyers one by one
4. Care as much as possible for ornamental fish that are in transit in their hands
5. Notify the delivery status to sellers and buyers
6. Not responsible for the death of ornamental fish during trip and transit

What can JBG provide?

Currently JBG Transshipping Service provides trans-shipping services to Indonesian ornamental fish breeders and sellers to ship (export) betta or other ornamental fish that are not included in the CITES list to overseas buyers. Currently JBG Transshipping Service already provides delivery to +/- 40 countries across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia and involves 52 transshippers. This number will continue to grow in line with consumer shipping needs.

What is a trans-shipping service?

Trans-shipping service is an inter-country delivery service that bridges between sellers in one country and buyers in other countries in the physical distribution of ornamental fish. Shipping ornamental fish between countries requires technical requirements to comply with regulations on the entry and exit of ornamental fish to and from a country. such as fish import/export, quarantine, CITES, customs and others. Only certain individuals or entities that have fulfilled these requirements can carry out this export/import activity.

What is the transshipping process and policy?


1. Transhipping service serves a shipment of fish from Indonesia sellers to their buyers worldwide.
2. Transhipping cost is a cost for shipping from Jakarta to a transhipper appointed place.
3. In due time, the Indonesian transshipper will ship the fish to the buyer's appointed transshipper.
4. Buyer has to pay the seller the shipping costs and the fish costs prior to shipping date.
5. The Indonesian transhipper will clear customs, quarantine, and ship the fish to buyer's appointed transshipper.
6. Buyers should pay freight, import fee and delivery cost to the buyer's appointed transshipper directly prior to delivery to the buyer's address.
7. In case of DOA (Death on Arrival) the seller has to replace the fish and the buyer pays again the shipping and handling cost.
8. In case of DIT (Death in Transit) the seller has to replace the fish and the transhipper pays for the shipping and handling. No obligation for the buyer to pay anything.
9. Transhippers will take care of the fish during intransit and rebag it when needed prior to delivery to the buyer's address.
10. The transhipper held no responsibility of the death, lost and sickness of the fish

Why is there a need for trans-shippers?

The more widespread use of the internet for ornamental fish business, especially betta, is growing the need to send ornamental fish across the country. Generally, the obstacle faced by sellers, especially those who are inexperienced and on a small scale, is sending their fish in small quantities but at a low cost, so that they can sell their ornamental fish to buyers who are far abroad. For this need, trans-shippers appeared in import/export at the destination countries.