Frequently Asked Questions about JBG Transhipping Service

Frequently asked questions about our fish shipping service.


If you don't find any relevant answer, please contact us at

I don't have paypal, can JBG help in receiving my payment?

We can accept your buyer's payment using our paypal. But there needs to be some agreement that needs to be approved beforehand.

  1. Please tell buyer to pay using the "friend and family" method on paypal.
  2. Seller will be charged a financial administration fee of 4%.
  3. Seller will receive payments that have been paid when the buyer receives the fish ordered.

What shipping costs need to be considered when using our services?

So there will be two shipping costs, ie

  1. Shipping costs from JBG to the destination country's transshipper that are billed to the seller.
  2. Shipping costs from the destination country's transshipper to the buyer that are directly billed to the buyer by the destination country's transshipper.

Convey this to the buyer before the transaction if you don't want any problems.